Friday, May 8, 2009

#9: I love baking


I used to always bake when I was at Lynfield College. I used to make everyone chocolate cakes for their birthdays with M&M's on it. I even ran home for lunch because I forgot K's cake one year. I remember, on my 16th birthday, I got two cakes! One from M with my face on it & one from B with lots of yummy chocolate icing mmmmm. And then I discovered chocolate crunch! The most basic recipe yet one I will always be obsessed with, three years later! Every time C's mum used to make it, I would make sure I stopped by the kitchen on my way to the back yard and secretly grab a piece. Not so secret though! Thank you K for the best recipe in the world.

I baked these muffins for B's birthday last weeekend. They were reaaaally delicious I must add, I wish I could of eaten the whole lot! ;)

3rd May


B's birthday was as yummy as this cake x

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Melbourne Merry Go Round

[credit Jim Dimo 2009]

I always feel like my world is spinning, changing all around me before my eyes but then I get off my merry go round & I realise, it's me, not the world.

Friday, May 1, 2009

#8 Inspiration


Over the years, only a few people have made an impact on my life, one of them was G. He steered me in the right direction when I needed it the most and to this day, if I'm ever in doubt, I know who can offer me the guidance to the end x



Do you see it? Do you see how pathetic you are or are you completely blind to it all. Can you even see your own reflection beneath all that makeup you wear everyday, trying to hide those imperfections?

You're not hiding anything, especially from me; I can see right through it.

Argh people:

Not enough people know how to communicate efficiently & not enough people know how to manage their money.

Monday, April 27, 2009

#7: Como


I love watching the sun set on my balcony. Coming out here, makes me sad yet appreciative of what I have. When S was here on a holiday, I often found her standing out here, looking out onto the freeway and river. We are surrounded by so many little pleasures, all around us yet we rarely have time to stop, and enjoy it. Having S here with me, made me realise Perth isn't so bad. I sort of see it through her eyes now.

I love you oof, stay strong for me because I will be by your side soon enough x

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

#6: James Frey


B bought me this book months ago, when we went to the movies, stopping by the book store of course. I read James Frey's 1st book afew years ago and I was always looking for his 2nd one. Definitely a great read, James Frey is a man I would love to meet.

#5: Red Shoes


I love my red flats. Whenever I feel all boring, dressed in two tones, I throw something bright and it makes it look so much better :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

#4: Easter Eggs


Earlier this morning, M and I were discussing skin folds & I just realised I can barely pinch my arms & thighs.
But what am I doing right as I am writing this? Eating left over easter eggs and man do we have plenty.

#3: WA today


WAtoday turned one today! I read the news online every morning as I get into work but today I had a lovely little news spread mainly promoting ING but I learnt alot of handy hints on how to save money etc. My little calendar/diary notebook goes with me everywhere. That thing has everything written down in it.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

#2: Chocolate Crunch


I love baking chocolate crunch for people and eating it myself :) hehe.

Friday, April 17, 2009

#1: Rain


I appreciate the slight rain we had before because I haven't seen rain in so long, it's about time!

The Present

I dropped out of Year 11 in NZ in 2006, saying to myself and my parents, "I don't need school, I will succeed without it just you watch!"
Fast forward 2 and a half years, I am back at school finishing off my high school certificate.
For the past two years, I just worked and partied and travelled and this year, I was finally ready to go back and get on with my life.
It was hard, going from earning ALOT of money from temping to studying and trying to find work around it. Luckily, I got to work back at my previous place for the past two & a half months.

At the moment, I'm on holidays so I'm working alot, saving all I can for Melbourne mid May :D

Last week, Tiger Airways had massive deals on flights so I quickly snapped up two tickets for my boyfriend Igor & I for $105 each return to go for his birthday. Weeee I cannot wait.

At the moment, I'm not getting along with my parents because they found out last week that I got a tattoo (6 months ago!!!!) and they are not very happy with me. They don't even know what it is (a kiwi bird) or what it means (ending the bad chapter of my life) but whatever, hate all you like.

I also want to start a new activity; take a photo everyday of something that makes me happy or something I appreciate, I read today that just living in the present and stopping to notice things, can really make a difference so lets see how long I can last! x

The Past

Usually, I start things when I have reached the end of one chapter but this blogspot is not the case. Well maybe deep down, it actually is.

My past is full of change; I was born in Novosibirsk, Russia in the warm season of August. I remember little bits of my life in Russia before my small family consisting of my mother father & I, packed what little belongings we had, and moved to New Zealand in September 1995. I was raised on the beach, spent all my time in the outdoors, exploring whatever I could when I was allowed the freedom. I would say I was quite a content child. I've always enjoyed the simple things in life.

At fifteen, I lost interest in school, started to experiment in recreational drugs, snuck out of my house every weeekend for 6 months before I was caught. I fell for the typical teenage heartbreaker: he was a liar, a cheater but he was also my first. Everyday, I turned more & more away from everyone in my life, thinking this boy was my life. He started to become controlling, became extremely forceful and I kept choosing this unhappiness everyday because I was stuck in the bubble of false beliefs and love.

August 2006, my parents announced we were moving to Perth, Western Australia in 6 months time so say good bye to C. I hated them. I thought they were ruining my life but it turned out to be one of the best decisions they made for me (amongst many).

Sure, it was hard to leave my childhood friends who I have come to realise, are replaceable. But it really taught me to stand on my own two feet & face the world on my own. It's hard, trying to make new friends at the age of 16 when everyone has their close knit of friends. I used to have that & that's something rare to find.

Living in Perth two years later, I love my life. I love the warm weather, being at the beach more than half of the year. As much as I complain about the heat, I prefer it over the four seasons a day in Auckland.

I still miss Auckland every day. My friends, my family, the black sand beaches, all the green-ness, surf life saving, the oldness of it all so it's something I can look forward to everyday because going back now, I appreciate it so much more.

I try not to take my life for granted. I am so lucky to have been given so many chances. As much as my parents and I don't gett along majority of the time, they are the reason my life is so good right now & I'm going to keep it this way ♥
